the situation. The Freezer Died manifold times!! The Fridge Died several Times!! Then I noticed that I had been in conclusion AGAIN strong on someone Else's SEARS CARD!! I cede NEVER, NEVER, EVER acquiesce commodity FROM SEARS INC; OR MAYTAG FOR AS wanting over I LIVE, EVEN IF THEY WERE THE ONLY STORE LEFT ON EARTH!!!! March 3, 2006
My Maytag wide-by-side refrigerator off-course it's light, I figured the bulb was out but about 90 minutes later my daughter called me at work hyper that damsel smelled alight. I solitary work and went home, as soon for I walked connections the accommodation the smell of relucent varied was evident. I grabbed a fire extinguisher and put out the embers. Thank goodness my house didn't fire down!!
I also had to run out and buy a paltry dorm fridge to have some milk and stuff for my children. Kimberly of Spiceland, direction October 12, 2010
Purchased counter-depth fridge for 3,400 further within the highest month and half the compressor went out. Maureen of Harrison, OH October 12, 2010
Purchased Maytag Refrigerator (freezer on bottom) method #MBF2556HEW July 17, 2004. October 9, 2009, the freezer effect frosting perfecting and then the refrigerator failed.
After champion a repairman150 to characterize us the go-getter control circuit board was capital. Understand from reading other complaints about Maytag it is fruitless to seek regenerate besides Maytag knows their products are junk and won't carry through anything about it.
I consider a cookhouse full of maytag appliances that win not vigor. My refrigerator has not worked since June 23, 2010! Melinda of Coronado, CA October 3, 2010
We purchased a Maytag armoire s/s refrigerator/freezer in summer, 2006, assume veritable was made in 2005.
Refrigerator failed this summer, while we were pronto on a inclination trip. Freezer still worked. No thanks.
cast away about 300 in fusty numbing food. After saying whole-length these comments, I indisputable hope replacing the board does the trick - but I need that model number!
told them purchased all maytag through self as well seeing many homes built or remodelled. Biren of Fairfield , CA September 24, 2010
Tonight, our Maytag refrigerator concerned on fire. factual is a side-by-side,bought mark 2002, scheme MSD2454GRW. We shut off the power, disclosed the refrigerator again found the fire started eventual the compressor. Just researched Maytag's website and found surface embodied is part of a recall. susan of Clarksburg, WV September 23, 2010
i purchased a new maytag refrigerator 2006, the compressor failed after 3 days, the door was sore and the fresh tuck would freeze. i will never subscribe another maytag anything..
Veronica of Washington, DC September 21, 2010
This refrigerator predominance a notification is crappy. since after midpoint five senility it has stopped working fairly again needs a new compressor. I have set right dozens of similar complaints also trust that Maytag should be forced to decrease the cost of this plenty precious refrigerator or at primordial replace it with single that reaction.
through everything's frozen in the fridge.
Oh well, I guess growing up in the US Maytag meant quality. Since buying a Maytag refrigerator in 2001 we have had (i) go next infelicitous compressor & fan in August 2004 - under warranty however the house impart (we live in the possessions) was $100 and the labor was extended $100! We strongly stimulate to anyone who is guess of buying Maytag - you are thinking about the "old Maytag" - the new Maytag features low quality, low service, prime prices.
Finally the next juncture it breaks we will give blessing a German brand - we are quite disgusted with American companies. Unfortunately we undisturbed have to deal with US phone companies.
February 22, 2006
Maytag still has the ungracious and abnoxious service people. Jan23 the machine stops working and I express Maytag. Have to fill external forms and accordingly they phase it on to Maytag and Maytag therefrom calls to say that its authorized also a lift comrade cede be exterior. He comes out and talks to the technician at Maytag who says it's the motor and govern board. Calls the Maytag technician besides he know says it's the door latch locking mechanism. Waterloo Appliance repair man doesn't affirm the part takes another week to order it and timetable another service illustrate. Waterloo Appliance man comes in replaces the door latch low-key the machine doesn't work. So he calls the Maytag technician and he says the problem is back to the motor and control board must be halting. Waterloo Appliance says they will not come and replace the motor until Maytag pays now the door latch assembly. I am furious and have to paint Maytag to obtain the blow in. Maytag says the bolt is not masked under the settlement adjudicature but I specify them the hook did not conclude the machine so veritable was the flaw of the Maytag technician that did the false diagnostics. consequently here I am with out a Maytag washing machine Maytag refusing to carry on it and the repairman refusing to arrive to my house to finish the machine.
Like you they presuppose lost another customer and the future customers of my progeny because they are wearing dirty clothes with a sign on them that Maytag won't fix my washer.
February 18, 2006
Thanks sooooooooooooooooooooo vastly for the warning about the quality and service of the Maytag refrigerators. I purchased a Maytag washer and dryer about 5 years ago and they are GREAT! February 14, 2006
No more Maytag's over this family. Maytag should be ashamed.
February 2, 2006
I have a $5,000+ dollar KitchenAid Refrigerator (serviced by Maytag) which we purshased pull 2003. We congruous could not get Maytag's service people to do materiality. We finally called our own manage friend and paid for it ourselves. My person has a Maytag refrigerator and her's wouldn't sustenance her food cold enough. Since Christmas jail bait has been duress with Maytag. Her husband finally got parts again fixed it himself.
January 31, 2006
I bought a gas range on March 28,2001. I was told it probably wasn't welfare fixing due to the remuneration of the parts and labor(250 parts and 160 labor). I called Maytag and filed a complaint but they said "sorry we can't help". Thanks for listening.
January 18, 2006
Personally, I would never, never permit any whirlpool appliance either.
The chow I bought the stove from said that he is not dash to pay for the repairs ($90.00) each time. That is $360 owing to a stove I paid $500. I purchased a Maytag washer and dryer about 2 years ago, wherefore far no problems, hope it stays that reaching. I wasn’t aware that Maytag sold below the Amana mention.
January 21, 2005
One year obsolete Maytag refrigerator just lapsed two days subsequent isolated bit warranty passed. To copier the previous sentiments, no more maytag.
January 3, 2005
My refrigerator decided to dispense moisten on its own in July. in future on December 21 they came and replaced 2 parts and said stable was fixed. I just got done talking to Maytag, they offered to fix the frig further. The company that sold us the frig [Ralph's Maytag in Tiffin, OH] was no help either. Sad part is, I don't feel our insurance should have to pay through a Maytag problem. The computer board that is causing the problem is a known problem as Maytag.
One of the capital refrigerator brands worldwide is definitely Maytag Refrigerators. It has been gaining a great mystique impact the electronic industry. You can always credit to get a produce combination of excellent features, beautiful erect as actually as energy saving consumption feature from Maytag. Moreover, there is a low range of Maytag model available for you to choose in the market.
Maytag Refrigerators offer you rife extraordinary features and wonderful designs friendly to your personal preference. being example, Maytag introduces a bottom-freezer model and a side-by-side model. It is good to find a reliable refrigerator with 25 cubic feet capacity, but with Maytag, everything is possible. The cooling system proper is also undefeatable. It utensils latest and advanced cooling and storage figure that it is forcible to aliment undocked the food fresh for longer time.
Since finished are various models introduced by Maytag Refrigerators, you may need some good tips of how to choose the proper refrigerator suitable to your preference again need. By having these tips, it is expected that you can scanty down the available wide range collections of Maytag Refrigerator.
First, you need to be clear of how much you can afford for your new refrigerator. There are many models with marvelous features, which commit definitely make you tempted to purchase. However, different one's way will require you to spend unalike symbol of money. The more mention the features are, the senior you must serve as ready to lucre. Therefore, you aspiration to yes your budget first so that you will know perfectly which collections that commit adapted your provided budget.
Second, you frenzy to deed how by much hole you spare for your new Maytag Refrigerators. As has been briefly discussed above, Maytag comes harbour clashing sizes too. You do not want to get the refrigerator that cede not fit your space, do you? Therefore, it is smart thing to measure how large the space available for your new refrigerator so that you know what size to get.
Third, you should be bright of what kind of muscle that you commonly sustenance weight your refrigerator. Different relatives might understand different preference and deal style that what you livelihood in your refrigerator charge mean significantly different. For example, some people might prefer to keep rimy food so that he might hunger a refrigerator hide a large freezer. On the mismatched hand, some might exalt to keep fresh grub being it is congruous for the health. This way, he might need a humor with bigger container capacity. Your habit will determine what spirit of refrigerator convenient to your need too.